Securing the future of collaboration

Securing the future of collaboration

Securing the future of collaboration

Ever wonder what the future of collaboration will look like as technology like AI continues advancing? This in-depth whitepaper from Miro explores the key trends shaping collaboration in enterprises according to renowned analyst Wayne Kurtzman from IDC.

You'll discover little-known insights into emerging developments like:

  • How AI will fundamentally transform workflows and creativity
  • The rising importance of visually rich, interactive collaboration platforms
  • Critical security challenges that must be addressed for trusted collaboration
  • And more vital trends you need to prepare for

Wayne Kurtzman is the Research Vice President of Social, Communities, and Collaboration at IDC, with over 20 years of experience analyzing the collaboration tech space. His forward-looking analysis is based on IDC's comprehensive research into how organizations worldwide are evolving their collaboration practices.

Download the whitepaper now to get ahead of the crucial trends impacting collaboration in your organization.

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